Building bonds between logistics players of the two countries is mutually beneficial


Piyush Srivastava, Senior Economic Advisor, MOCA, GoI says, “My complements to ACAAI for hosting this wonderful Convention at Baku. Azerbaijan is a crucial link between the eastern and western world. Similarly India has great geographic advantage being the link between East Asia with America, Europe and Africa. As such, building bonds between the logistics players of the two countries is mutually beneficial. This Convention recognizes air cargo industry’s significant role in contribution to the country’s economy. The convention served as a platform for industry leaders, stakeholders, and policymakers to discuss emerging trends, technological innovations, and regulatory frameworks that can boost cargo efficiency. By fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing, the event supports India’s aspirations to become a global logistics hub, promoting seamless trade and economic growth. I particularly liked the nice amalgamation of technical sessions with sessions on yoga and mindful moves. On our part, the Ministry is committed to strengthening infrastructure with initiatives and policies that support the growth of air cargo in India.”

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