What is Cargo Insurance? Cargo Insurance Meaning, Types & Benefits

In the world of moving things from one place to another, like in trade and shipping, keeping goods safe can be tricky. Cargo insurance is like a superhero shield for these goods. It keeps them safe while they travel. In this blog, we’ll talk about what cargo insurance is, the different types it comes in, […]

What is Freight Forwarding & Role of a Freight Forwarder

In today’s interconnected world, global trade and commerce have reached unprecedented heights, enabling businesses to expand their markets beyond borders. However, the logistics of transporting goods internationally can be complex and challenging. This is where freight forwarding and freight forwarders play a crucial role. In this blog, we will explore what freight forwarding is and […]

Freight Forwarder Vs. Customs Broker

Whether you’re new to the international shipping business or have been an experienced player, understanding the industry’s nuances and regulations is essential to ensure your shipment reaches its destination successfully. There are two crucial entities you have to deal with in international trade– freight forwarder and customs broker. A freight forwarder handles the logistics and […]

How To Import Goods In India ? Procedure For Importing Goods

In India, the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act of 1992 regulates imports and exports, which empowers the federal government to make provisions for the development and regulation of foreign trade. The current provisions relating to exports and imports in India are available under the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20. Typically, the procedure for import and […]