Birgunj Dry Port Meets Revenue Target Despite Market Slowdown


The Birgunj Dry Port Customs Office in India has achieved a significant milestone. They’ve collected ₹40.3 billion (approximately $530 million) in revenue during the first 10 months of the current fiscal year (FY).

This achievement is even more impressive considering the slowdown in the overall market. The department had set a target of ₹54.27 billion (approximately $715 million) for the 10-month period, but fell short due to the sluggish market conditions. Dr. Ramprasad Mainali, chief of the Dry Port Customs Office, acknowledges this but highlights the positive aspects.

The slowdown has resulted in a decrease in cargo transported by train. Previously, there were three cargo trains arriving daily, each carrying 60 containers. Currently, there are only two trains with the same capacity. Despite these challenges, the Birgunj Dry Port Customs Office’s performance demonstrates its ability to generate substantial revenue for the government.

Source: Maritime Gateway

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