Boxship Boom Continues: Chinese Yards See Surge in New Orders


The global shipping industry is experiencing a sustained period of high demand, leading to a surge in new orders for container ships. This article on Splash247 highlights a recent trend – a return of orders to Chinese shipyards.

Fueled by rising freight rates, several owners are placing orders for new tonnage, particularly methanol-ready vessels. This follows X-Press Feeders’ recent order for four such ships at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding. Chinese yards are becoming increasingly attractive due to their competitive pricing and shipbuilding expertise.

The strong order book reflects optimism within the container shipping industry. However, some experts caution that potential oversupply could emerge in the future if the current ordering frenzy continues unabated. This is a situation the industry is keen to avoid, and careful monitoring of fleet growth will be essential.

Source: Splash247

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