States must develop plans for logistics biz: Goyal


States along with the private sector must develop action plans for better logistics business to attract investments in the sector,” said Piyush Goyal, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry during the release of the ‘Logistics Ease Across Different States (LEADS) 2024’ report in New Delhi. He added, “There is a need to develop regional and city-level logistics plans as well for last-mile connectivity”. He also emphasised on implementation of measures to promote green logistics, workforce inclusivity and facilitation of central government projects. The minister also highlighted that the adoption of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Analytics is vital to push growth of the logistics sector. “The country should engage on gender inclusivity and encourage greater participation of women in the sector. States must leverage public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the logistics sector for better results and establish multimodal hubs for in-land container depots to promote cutting down of costs in logistics process.

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